Just about every wedding requires escort cards for dinner. People need to know where they’re seated, and you need to pick a visual way to show them. This is probably the area where most couples choose to get creative and combine it with a favor, but it’s also the area where we see the most waste. We simply can’t count the number of times we throw out piles of quirky escort cards at the end of the night or collect a bag’s worth of souvenir champagne flutes with a wedding date and monogrammed initials on them.

Even the trinkets that do get taken are probably not usually used. The idea of a champagne flute as memorabilia for your formal affair is great on paper as it gets used at the wedding and most guests take them home, but realistically, they likely already have a set of champagne flutes and don’t want odd ones. On pretty much every trip I take to a thrift shop, I notice that the majority of the glassware is clearly discarded from someone’s wedding.

We have compiled a list of our favorite and the most commented on escort cards we have seen throughout the years.


We love this for a fall wedding! How cute are these escort apples. Your guests can snack on these throughout the night or toss them in their bags for travel food for the next morning, and you can be sure whatever is left behind will be gladly enjoyed by the service staff.

Apple escort card idea for a fun fall wedding

Peaches are a great summer option too

Fresh peach escort card idea



Succulents are a cute little favor but PLEASE keep in mind that if lots of your guests are travelling from far away, they likely will not take these home with them. If most guests are local these are great, but if it’s a destination for many then skip the live plants.


This is a no brainer – everyone loves chocolate and these will for sure be consumed throughout the night or tossed in a bag to have later that night!

candy table numbers for the more formal wedding back home. its a lot of work organizing 2 weddings internationally!

French Macarons

Nothing says fancy celebration like a french macaron. These gourmet goodies will leave your guests impressed and satisfied – you can be sure these will be consumed the night of

escourt cards for weddings | Macaron Escort Cards | Weddingbells.ca

Tequila Shots

Let’s cut straight to the point – everyone is here to celebrate your love as their number one priority, BUT, having a great party is their number two priority and what party doesn’t have tequila?? Be sure to check with your caterer or alcohol supplier on this one as many venues do not allow shots.

IDEA!!! Every table will be a different place we've visited. The table could be themed with stuff that will entertain the guests. Like NYC can some NY stuff


Everyone has to get clean and everyone uses soap. This is an elegant option with a sprig of fresh lavender. This will go perfectly in someone’s guest bathroom!

soap wedding favors! Craft them using a familiar scent, and people will remember your wedding for a lifetime

Tree Ornaments

Okay this one is obviously a little seasonal – and your guests would have to be careful not to break the ornaments if they aren’t provided with a box, but we think these are so sweet. People collect ornaments their whole lives that they put on their trees every December, so you know they’ll use it!

Unique Winter Wedding Ideas | Bridal Musings Wedding Blog 29 www.MadamPaloozaEmporium.com www.facebook.com/MadamPalooza